CitySpaces Consulting was engaged by the Village of Pemberton in April 2019 to complete an Age-Friendly Affordable Housing Action Plan. This project provided an opportunity for the Village to finalize their Affordable Housing Plan Background Report, which had been initiated in-house. Building off this work, CitySpaces prepared an Age-Friendly (Seniors) Affordable Housing Needs Assessment, which provided important context for the final deliverable, the Age-Friendly Affordable Housing Action Plan.

The approach to this assessment was framed by legislation and associated regulations: the Local Government Act (mainly Part 14) and Housing Needs Report Regulations. These Regulations focus on obtaining both quantitative and qualitative sources of information to offer comprehensive insight into local housing needs. Quantitative information came from available statistics, and the qualitative information was obtained through stakeholder consultation.

  • Research sources included the 2006, 2011, and 2016 Census of Canada; the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC); BC Stats; and, BC Housing.
  • Further to the data research, in June 2019, the Village conducted two focus group interviews with participants who have in-depth knowledge of, and personal experience with, the housing situation and development context in Pemberton.

Given the Village’s aging demographics, both the Needs Assessment and the Housing Action Plan were completed with an age-friendly lens, as seniors form an important priority group. Through the course of stakeholder consultation, six priority groups were identified, which are outlined below:

  • Low-income seniors
  • Moderate-income seniors
  • Low-income non-senior households
  • Moderate-income non-senior households
  • Persons with disabilities
  • Persons experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness

These priority groups form the focus of the Housing Action Plan, as policy objectives and directions have been tailored to address their unique housing challenges. Pemberton’s Age-Friendly Affordable Housing Action Plan provides a framework for the Village to work with other levels of government, the private sector, and non-profit organizations to facilitate the development of affordable housing. The Action Plan also assists the Village to establish policies and regulations that allow them to effectively respond to development applications.

Project Type

Project Team


Jada Basi

Project Lead

Julia Bahen

Senior Planner

Talia Kerr

Graphic Designer