Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw
The Town of Ladysmith commissioned CitySpaces Consulting to provide a complete review and comprehensive revision of the Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw to establish the regulatory framework that would implement the community’s visions, values, and goals. In establishing the new regulatory framework, the Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw is to ensure future growth will be managed sustainably. The Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw will help shape future growth towards a pedestrian-oriented downtown as well as new compact, clustered, mixed-use village that fosters greater land use and infrastructure efficiency, limiting resident energy consumption and reducing the community’s overall greenhouse gas emissions.
Specifically, the Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw was updated to be reflective of key guiding principles, including:
- promote environmental stewardship;
- promote an economically diverse community;
- preserve heritage and cultural resources;
- support downtown revitalization;
- manage growth in an orderly way;
- promote high-quality waterfront development;
- develop visually enhanced vibrant neighbourhoods; and
- promote an integrated approach to planning and development.
The Town of Ladysmith Zoning Bylaw update was designed with an approach that involved the development and implementation of an effective consultation and education strategy. The strategy utilized ongoing discussion opportunities with staff, a series of mini discussion papers, interactive workshops with Town staff, workshops with a Bylaw Revision Stakeholder Group, public Open Houses, and the Public Hearing process. Collectively, the approach involved four phases:
- Background, Issues Identification, and Education;
- Technical Analysis and Workshops;
- Bylaw Drafting and Review; and
- Bylaw Finalization and Submission.
The process also involved the creation of a new Zoning Bylaw Map, migrating the Town’s Bylaw Map from a CAD-based system to a GIS-based comprehensive parcel inventory and management platform.
CLIENT: Town of Ladysmith