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The Crossing at Keremeos is British Columbia’s first long-term residential treatment facility for drug-addicted youth sponsored by Vancouver’s Central City Foundation. The development involved the conversion and addition of new buildings to create a 42 bed facility at a former adventure ranch. Capital cost was $6.5 million with Central City Foundation leading the fund raising. The Crossing at Keremeos opened in 2009. Located on a
58-acre site the Similkameen Valley, the facility is operated by Portage, an internationally recognized
non-profit organization acclaimed for its success in permanently changing addictive behaviour.

CitySpaces acted as project managers for The Crossing at Keremeos. Construction included new classrooms,
renovation and conversion of bedrooms, activity rooms, kitchen/dining a “kitchen garden” and the installation of fully independent water supply, sewage treatment and a reservoir and sprinkler system for fire fighting. The Crossing at Keremeos involved agreements with three regional health authorities – Interior, Fraser and Vancouver Coastal.


Gwyn Symmons