CitySpaces is pleased to receive, along with Metro Vancouver, the Planning Institute of British Columbia’s Silver Award for Excellence in Planning Practice – City and Urban Areas for the What Works: Securing Affordable and Special Needs Housing through Housing Agreements. The project prepared a comprehensive Resource Guide to support local governments employ successful Housing Agreements.
CitySpaces, with legal support from Young Anderson Barristers and Solicitors, were commissioned by Metro Vancouver, with financial support from BC Housing, to work collaboratively with housing planners, the housing development sector, and non-profit housing providers across BC to identify the key factors that contribute to the successful creation and implementation of Housing Agreements. By sharing best practices and lessons learned from these collective experiences, the goal of the project is to build knowledge and capacity so that planning and policy practitioners can feel confident employing Housing Agreements across the region. The Resource Guide provides an overview of the legislative and functional contexts, typical structure and scenarios, step-by-step process, success factors, key considerations, common challenges, potential solutions, and sample agreements for reference.