Consultation Planning
An important step in consultation is to design a tailored and innovative plan to consult – identifying objectives, stakeholders, timeline, materials, logistics, and budget. We have undertaken numerous consultation plans and communications strategies that have helped the entire project team stay on track and on budget.
Graphic Design
Our clients look to CitySpaces for high quality, imaginative, and timely graphic design. We regularly develop brand identity, carrying the look, fonts, and colours through various iterations, including reports, newsletters, videography, infographics, brochures, websites, motion graphics, presentation boards, and advertising. Our graphics team uses a full-suite of desktop publishing, image enhancement software, as well as mapping and 3-D modelling programs.

Conflict Resolution + Negotiation
CitySpaces’ senior professionals and social planners have built a strong reputation for effectively navigating adversarial situations, collaborating with stakeholders and key informants, and addressing complex issues to reach clear resolutions or create frameworks for ongoing discussions. Other members of CitySpaces have also developed these skills and are applying these techniques to reduce or resolve conflicts.
Events Planning, Advertising, Logistics, + Hosting
One of the mainstays of community planning is preparing for and delivering events – open houses, ideas fairs, visioning workshops, and focus groups. Although much of this is undertaken 'behind the scenes', the more effort that goes into anticipating needs and taking care of the details, the more likely the event will run smoothly. CitySpaces regularly undertakes advertising, logistics, materials preparation, hosting, and summarizing the inputs and outcomes from these events.

Consultation Catalogue
CitySpaces’ engagement specialists continually generate innovative ideas and techniques to meaningfully engage with a wide variety of audiences, including sensitive engagement with vulnerable populations. Our suite of consultation tools for small and large scale activities include game play (i.e., LEGO), graphic recording, digital engagement online and in-person, interactive display material, educational workshops, world cafes, pop-up events, among others. Our creative team enjoys employing innovative techniques to obtain input into projects and processes.