CitySpaces is the proud recipient of a number of planning awards, real estate awards, and honours for our work in community planning, urban planning, urban design, and project management. Here are a few we were especially thrilled to receive over the last few years.

Silver Award for Excellence in Planning Practice - City & Urban Areas
What Works: Securing Affordable and Special Needs Housing through Housing Agreements
International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Core Values Award for Visual Engagement 2019
City of Nanaimo Affordable Housing Strategy
Canadian Institute of Planners’ 2017 Award for Award for Planning Excellence
Surrey is Home: Surrey Immigration Integration Research Project
Canadian Institute of Planners’ 2015 Award for Planning Excellence Merit New and Emerging Planning Initiatives
Township of Langley Age-Friendly Strategy
Canadian Institute of Planners’ 2015 Award for Planning Excellence Merit Planning Publications
Expiring Operating Agreements Planning Guide
Victoria Real Estate Board's Building of the Year Award 2012
Vergo Affordable Townhouses
Planning Institute of British Columbia’s Excellence in Planning Award 2012
Tofino Downtown Vitalization Plan
Victoria Real Estate Board’s Building of the Year Award 2011
Olympic Vista
Planning Institute of British Columbia's Excellence in Planning Award 2010
Making Space for the Future Greater Victoria Public Library Facilities Plan
Hallmark Society's Award of Merit 2010
Rehabilitation of 711-713 Johnson St Victoria to the Access Health Centre
Planning Institute of British Columbia's Excellence in Planning Award 2007
Working Toward Sustainability: The Town of Lake Cowichan Downtown Revitalization Strategy